Friday, January 29, 2010


WASH AWAY THE PAIN!: ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY IM SO EXCITED BIG 18 THIS YEAR! so i couldnt think of anything to do tonight and then i was like i need to take a shower so ya i would love to try this again but in color and with paint with a slow shuttter and have someone throw pain on me while the water is on me but thats for the summer when its wammer and well i have more time! I really like that way it turned out ill post the other pics up here as well! Hope you like it!


Dennis said...

ah ah
i like it

Wendy said...

So you accomplished this just from your camera settings? Even the movement (transparent) of your arms??? So awesome!

RICK-STAR said...

wendy: no this is photoshoped this time
Dennis: thank you very much