Monday, January 4, 2010


ROAD TRIP: So i woke up today and we had a snowday!!!!!! i was sooo happy casue we have like 3 feet of snow outside it is awesome. So i was talking on the phone with my friend Mychiana, and we were talking about my 365 for today and we talked about a snowglob and i kinda made that idea my own by putting myself in a car and haing it be a natural frame and snowglob like with the trees and stuff i could have edited it ALOT better you can still see lines and stuff but i have alot of other editing i have to do for my english prject that i will be posting soon and i have work in an hour so i was coreographing for that. So let me knwo what you think!


Girl Wonder said...

Wow! That girl Mychiana must be like your best friend or something. But I like this. I spot the trees on the left. And I like it a lot. I also like how ur like trapped in the car with snow surroundiing you. And its synomous with how u were trapped in the house surrounded by snow.

RICK-STAR said...

Yup exactlly what i was going for actually

Wendy said...

I agree, that Mychiana must be brilliant :-รพ Another cool shot Ricky and I love seeing you in them as well. Awesome job of taking advantage of the weather conditions right now :-) You're doing an excellent job and I'm so proud!!!