Monday, January 25, 2010


AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE: Hey everyone so i got this idea from tthis book i saw in borders today of photographers i forget the person who did it but im sure alot of people have done this so im not copying! I hope you like it it took me a couple tries to actually make it look like i am coming out of my body! THIS IS NOT PHOTOSHOPED AT ALL ALL CAMERA TRICKS. i deff wanna do this again but eith more people and differenct ideas prob this weekend MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! MY BIRTHDAY IS SUNDAY 18 CAN WAIT! ok well im signing of tonight see you guys later!


Wendy said...

Nice job Rick! And glad you pointed out this was a camera trick, nothing more. I don't recognize where this was taken?

RICK-STAR said...

thank you! its taken in my brothers room

Wendy said...

Yes, after a closer look (seeing the tanks - haha) I figured it out, just didn't recognize it at first.