Saturday, January 16, 2010


CHAINED: hey everyone i had a huge photoshoot today and well i will be constantlly uploading photos everyday from the shoot so hope you like it!


Wendy said...

Oh, SOOO Cool (for lack of a more unique word). The half-n-half color/B&W - the chain reflected in the iris of her eye and, upon looking closer, YOU inside the reflection of the chain! Ok, tell me the color effect was PS??

RICK-STAR said...

ya teh black and white was photo shop that was have photoshop?

Wendy said...

yes I do - couldn't live without it...Actually, yes I could. If you need a FULL running version of an affordable photo editor get Paint Shop Pro - it's got basically ALL the same features as PS and is MUCH more affordable.

RICK-STAR said...

i have photoelements what version of photoshop do you have if you say cs4 imma die!

Wendy said...

CS3 Extended V.10

RICK-STAR said...

I HATE YOU OMG!!!!!!!!!! if i srtill had a pc i would tots make you give it to me!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH