Wednesday, January 20, 2010


GROWING WITH LIFE: YA # 20 Can i get a holla!!!! so hey everyone i thought of this because i was tlaking to my friend Mackenzie and she did this star on her hand picture i really liked so i put my own spin on that and well here it is also i have a role of film due on monday depth of field and this is my shallow depth of field picture i wanna use or the other tha i am ganna try to post if i can find out how! Hope you like it


Wendy said...

Ok, you HAVE to explain this image more...I know this is your arm! So, is it a henna tattoo?? I like the choice of black and white...but, now you have me bout showing just SOME of the colors of the actual tattoo and the rest of the skin and image as B&W??? Like the color is bleeding through (coming to life)?

RICK-STAR said...

well there is no color to it imma try to do this again but with color and do kinda wt you are explaining of having only the color of the vines and flower be in color and rest in b&w but i didnt really have time and i used a brown eye pencil and a grey one so not much colo the color one i uploaded to flickr check it out there its really yellow tho because of the background light was yellow i am deff ganna try to do this again but with either markers or like paint thats colored and see how that turn out my 365 for tonight is ganna be similar to but different i hope you like tonight! itll prob be posted late tho just so you know i dnt get home till 9 and i prob wont shot for it till like 10 so ya its ganna take a while for me to do it also but ya

Wendy said...

Don't worry about was just a suggestion. Like shoot the image in full color, but then edit portions of the arm so that some of the skin is B&W (like you were able to do with the chain). I would say the parts of the forearm that have the tattoo that are IN focus leave full color and the more blurred areas edit to B&W. And I like the angle of the arm and hand - the ones (on flickr) don't have the same effect with the arm flat on the table and look like someone is shooting up! ha (ok, not funny, but YOU know what I mean)

RICK-STAR said...

ya ik my other fav is the one were i am looking down on my palm i like that one and this the best i really like how it turned out ALOT! i am having a huge photo shoot this weekend its ganna be sweet so look out for those pictures sometime nxt week as well