Monday, January 18, 2010


CLOUDY VISION: ok i imm sooooooo tired today you have no idea i didnt want to go to work today and my gut told me to call it off and then i got to work and i didnt have class because i got the dates messed up of when i couldnt go to work so now i am back at home and waiting to drive to dance which i dnt want to go to either but i need to because i just have to suck it up and go ill be ok but ya i was so tired so i decided to take a pic about my tiredness if thats a word! ok well im ganna go to dance come home and write something i fel like writitng a poem dnt know what about but imma kick one out before tongiht! k hope you all have a great night!


Wendy said...

Oh Ricky! You look sickly! I hope that's all with the camera or editing, because it looks like you are on your way out! IF ya know what I mean. (I hope that was part of the intention??!!) <:-O


RICK-STAR said...

no that was all the editing dnt worry im not sickly just tired! i have been going none stop and then i sudenly stop and well i crash its my life it always happens everyother week