Sunday, January 17, 2010


A GLIMSE OF THE LIGHT, HEAVEN AND HELL: hey everyone another late one i need to start uplaoding these more in the daylight because this is making me mad lol hope you like it ya thats really all i have to say and thats my FRIEND mychiana in the pic to! halla to her!


Girl Wonder said...

This is coool!
It looks like ur wearing my gray hood. Such an optical illusion(at first I typed obstacle illusion lol).

Wendy said...

When you look at the main image, it looks like you have a 5 O'clock shadow and mustache, but on the original size you can see Mychiana peaking through. What is the lit building in the background?

RICK-STAR said...

thanks i think its really cool how it looks like i am under a hood but the hood is mychianas i like it alot